Well, the Ralph McQuarrie sketch card is finally finished and up in the gallery - Link
I really like the way it came out. The card took me a while, and I was fighting with my own head for most of the way, but now that it's all done and in my hand ... I think it looks pretty darn cool.
I’ll probably be making prints of it, so if anyone’s interested in getting an order in early, email me and let me know.
I’d really like to get back to consistently blogging and maybe making some new videos again. I've just been so busy with work I haven’t been able to fit in anything extra ... I am going to try for Saturdays with the blog though, hopefully I'll be able to stick to it.
Other than that ... We're all happy and healthy ... the kid and the dog are just growing like crazy.
Those first few days, I'll admit I really wondered if we had made a mistake getting the puppy. With Tristan being so young, I worried a little ... but they've already become fast friends and are pretty much inseparable.
So now I figure she’s part of the family, we named her Cinder.
Take care everyone and I'll talk to you next week.
Cinder and Tristan are just pure love bugs! How adorables!
Helloooo !!! 8 )
Thanks Shelley
Hi Manu!
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