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Christmas was fun. Tanya, Tristan and I went out to my brothers house and we ate a lot of good food and enjoyed a lot of good company.

Everyone finally got to meet little Tristan in real life. Up till now, all most of them got where the pictures I’ve been posting here on the site. When we got home from the hospital Tanya and I were so wore out that I got a little defensives with all the relatives and well wishers. I ended up telling them all to stay away (at least for a while) so none of them had a chance to meet the little guy till now.

First up is my Mom and my youngest brother Tim, and Tim’s girlfriends son Monty. Monty's an awesome artist too.
Tim, Mom, tristan and montey
Next my Mom and my Dad
Grandpa, Grandma and Tristan

Here’s my other brother Keith talking to my Mom's husband Tim (Mom’s husband sounds weird, Tim’s practically like a second Dad to me and Keith) The girl in the background is Monty's Mom Jamie (Tim's girlfriend)
Kieth, Tim and Jamie
Here’s Nicky, Keith’s wife (unfortunately this was best shot
I got of her) and she’s holding their youngest daughter Sadie
nicky and sadie
I tried to get a shot of all of Keith’s kids but it was hopeless (after all he’s got six) but one of the highlights was Bo (fourth youngest) giving my Mom, Tim jr. and the dog, Duke a ride around the hay field in his golf cart.
Kieth, Tim and Jamie
Here’s a great shot of JD (third youngest)
nicky and sadie
Anyway it was a lot of fun and it was great to see everyone.

See you next time
Read the previous update