Hi all ... another new video is up. In this one I'm drawing a portrait of Harrison Ford as Han Solo. Trying out the new camera and doing some vlogging.
The Han Solo piece is for sale here - Buy The Original Artwork
If your interested in keeping up with everything I'm doing, all the new art, new videos, auctions and blogposts, subscribe to my list and get notifications everytime something new goes up - http://jefflaffertyillustration.blogspot.com/1999/12/newsletter.html

Thanks everyone and see you next time.
read the previous update ...
Incredible result as always Jeff
+Slapland productions Thanks!
Absolutely love the detail we get with the new camera!
+GWSFilms Thanks George, I'm totally loving this thing!
Amazin work, i also have an art channel, if you want check out!!!! :)
Subscribed! :D
+sandy sandy Thanks Sandy, I will
Excellent piece as always and I'm really digging the inclusion of the more tradition vlogging mixed in! I think it makes the videos even more compelling.
+Kevin Cross Thanks Kevin, I appreciate it man
+Jeff Lafferty you're welcome! :D
Awesome art Jeff! :)
+PHeMoX Thanks a lot!
I liked the style of the show Jeff. I've been doing elements of regular vlogging too and I do like the format myself, I don't get as much chance to sit down and watch large videos so these shorter ones are my way of catching up with you, still miss sitting and chatting but hopefully once I get Everything sorted I'll be able to hit the art table again soon.
The work is as sterling as ever.
+kieranproskills thanks Kieran, I appreciate it!
Your welcome man
That's a great portrait of Solo. :)
+davy j.y. Thanks Davy!
cool beginning, great art. great job on this vid in general. the variety of editing, music and timelapse and commentary kept for a very entertaining vid.
+Jeremiah Lambert Art Thanks Jeremiah!
Waahhhttt your drawing is amazing. Love Star Wars.
+Daniel Duane Thanks Daniel!
Np! Hey you should check my stuff, you might enjoy. :)
+Daniel Duane Cool, I'll do it.
It's nice to have anew Jeff Lafferty video waiting for my when I get back from vacation. The picture quality looks great and I love the vlog elements sprinkled in.
+Scott Serkland Thanks Scott!
Another great one!
+Terrain Mancer Thanks a lot!
Hey, it's Jeff doin' stuff! Great video. This was a cool change of pace. Awesome Solo too!
+Mike Emeritz Thanks Mike!
Looks awesome!
+Michael Keeter (Solo) Thanks Michael
Nice work.
+Danny Finch Thanks Danny
Jeff I'll subscribe and follow your work. Once I can figure out how to add videos I'll show you some of my work. Love your style man it's awesome.
+Danny Finch Awesome, looking forward to seeing it. Let me know when you get some videos up.
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