Hi all ... Today I'm painting the lovely eighties pinup queen, Barbi Benton! Check out the new video, let me know what you think.
If your interested in keeping up with everything I'm doing, all the new art, new videos, auctions and blogposts, subscribe to my list and get notifications everytime something new goes up - http://jefflaffertyillustration.blogspot.com/1999/12/newsletter.html
If you enjoyed the video check out the extended cut on Patreon, with 30 minutes of extra footage and commentary - https://www.patreon.com/posts/artcast-278-cut-3641328

Thanks everyone and see you next time.
read the previous update ...
love your work(your one of my favs), your art is incredible!! keep up the great work!!
+Killer 7 Thank you very much!
Really awesome piece Jeff. :)
+youtubasoarus Thanks youtubasoarus! I dont know if you saw it, but I brought up your burn out topic on our Artcasters Chat show. Here's the link ... https://youtu.be/qmlR21J8Txc
+Jeff Lafferty Awesome stuff Jeff, thank you i'll check it out as soon as I get a minute. I was meaning to look at the artcaster show but got swamped with crap to do lol. Really appreciate it man. :)
there is always the ugly part of the painting before it moves on to being beautiful. Its Gorgeous. Shannon
+Art Junkie Thanks Art Junkie!
Great work Jeff! What was the total time for this one?
+iRAWT Designs This one took quite a while, I stopped and started on it a couple times. The total ended up being about four days.
She looks more like Patty Boyd
+NewYork-Wolf Thanks
this is so good!
+Dangerfields Thank you
:heart: I know she wasn't a huge star or anything, but I really loved her! :D
+The-Darkwolf me too, thanks for the comment
:) :) :)
Nice airbrush work, Jeff !!
Thanks Mark, I appreciate the comment!
I don't understand all the YouTube hits (or the lack thereof) either, Jeff. I've been checking the hits on my own channel and there are, of course, mixed results. Obviously, the Star Wars vids I did are moving up but the Ant-Man card, of all things, is still in the lead and still getting hits.
I have no clue what the formula is.
Anyway, great video and great Barbi Benton piece.
Thanks Gary, its hard to figure out what works for sure.
Great upload! love it ;)
+sandy sandy Thanks Sandy!
Welcome :)
+Jeff Lafferty you re welcome ;)
Fantastic artwork, love it :)
+davy j.y. Thanks Davy!
really nice work!
+leo albán Thanks Leo
Really love how vivid the colors are! :D
Thanks ChrisHdzArt
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