PEGASUS & BELLEROPHONE - Tues. November 6th, 2012

Bellerophon and Pegasus drawing by Jeff Lafferty
Bellerophon and Pegasus drawing by Jeff Lafferty
Bellerophon and Pegasus drawing by Jeff Lafferty
I had to wipe a layer of dust off blogger, just to make this post. My site seems to have become a ghost town lately ... entirely my own fault though.

I've been kind of going through a dry spell, or maybe its left over from the last artists block I went through. Either way I just haven't been able to stay focused on anything.

I hate blogging when that sort of thing is going on, it makes me feel all wishy-washy, like I have no follow through.

Anyway, here's something new I've been working on.



Manu said...

Mmm... sounds pretty cool ! Good blogging back, Jeff :)

Jeff Lafferty said...

Thanks Manu,
